This holiday season, incoorporate these five "must do's" into your family's tradition.
This year has been busy, and with barely any time left to bake, I was about to ditch the cookie baking tradition all together. I always bake from scratch, but sometimes you need a little help pulling it all off.
So for those of us on a budget and with no time to lose, I recommend Betty Crocker's Gingerbread cookie mix. It's the first gingerbread instant mix that I have ever tasted that actually tastes gingery enough and doesn't leave you wishing you had baked from scratch. It's a fast and easy alternative and the dough is beautifully smooth in just minutes.
As for cookie cutters, I found the most adorable mini-cutters at Target for about $3.00
Hand decorated cookies make wonderful hostess gifts and with these mini-cutters, all the guilt of eating sugary treats is gone! Besides, cutting out cookies is a must-do project especially if you have little ones coming over for the holidays.
For frosting use traditional sugar icing, and sprinkles can be found at your local grocery store.
I always go hunting down ideas during the Christmas season and am always in love with gift wrapping DIY's, but they always seem too pricey for my budget.
This year I decided to go with traditional gift wrap and peppermint twine. Its simple, yet charming and doesn't break the bank. I wrapped ALL my gifts for under $10! I also recommend the generic card packs sold at Target. One pack includes four styles and it's only $3. Cute and affordable.
This year I bought yet another mini-tree for only $8 at Target. Definitely affordable and fit for apartment living. There are tons of "mini" ornament options at Target, Wal-mart, and even Michaels.
Whether it be playing a game of scrabble, driving home with a christmas tree tied to the roof of your car, or spend together cozied up to the fire place watching holiday movies, don't forget the reason for the season, and remind those you love that you love them!
5.) LOTS AND LOTS OF HOT CHOCOLATE AND LAUGHTER (and ugly Christmas Sweaters)
The holidays arent complete without Hot chocolate and cozying up to the fireplace, I know mine aren't.
For a christmas card alternative for the price of $0 take the family portrait yourself this year with the help of a tripod!
Happy Holidays!!!
- 2:16 PM