The Green Tour: Tips and tricks for decorating an apartment using plants
3:57 PM
A green home is a happy home.
Today I'm going to be discussing how greenery can lead to a fresher and more ornamented apartment.
As we all know, gardening is a great form of stress relief. But for those of us who live in city apartments, gardening is not the ideal. In this case, potting plants seems to be the best substitute, especially for balconies and interior decoration.
A couple must haves for your home include cacti (lots and lots of cacti), succulents, and other hardy shrubs that can go without being watered on the daily.
Bromeliads are wonderful in their own way, but hard at times to care for. They need their "cup" to remain watered and are picky about temperature, since they are a tropical plant. Bromeliads are bittersweet due to their human reminder of the circle of life. They grow, flower, then gift you with clone pups, and then they matter how good the care. Not to discourage you, caring for Bromeliads is a world of its own, but growing pups successfully is one of the best feelings. The good side of Bromeliads is if you care for them well, you can end up with an amazing collection of multiple generations.
Hanging plants are a nice touch.
Herbs such as mint are lovely, too.
Lastly, my ultimate favorite is my Hibiscus tree. Hibiscuses are wonderful because of their beautiful flowers, which are also good for making hibiscus tea. This kind of tree needs a big pot, and lots of sun. The flowers only live for a day when bloomed, but this tree keeps them coming.
Well, that's all for today. I hope this post has inspired you to live green-fully.
Happy planting!